Tag - seattle
7 posts
Snapshots From Seattle

Snapshots From Seattlefeatured

The greatest perk of my job, bar none, is the unlimited vacation policy. The second greatest perk, though, is that I get to travel to Seattle every quarter. Well, that or the free Vitamin Water. ((No, it’s definitely Seattle. Sorry, Glaceau…)) I don’t think Seattle gets the credit it deserves, lost in the shine of Read more

Six Things I Had to Do in Seattle

Six Things I Had to Do in Seattlefeatured

“You have to visit Seattle,” one of my friends had been telling me for months. “If you love San Francisco, you’ll love Seattle.” Seattle was never a priority on my travel road map. At least, it wasn’t a priority over other uncharted territory (read: Europe) or my domestic mainstays (San Francisco, New York, SoFlo). So Read more
