Norwegian Encore Alaska Cruise Review: Day 5 – Sea Dayfeatured
When we woke up on our first sea day, our room was cold and the skies outside were a little gray and I said a silent prayer of thanks.
When we woke up on our first sea day, our room was cold and the skies outside were a little gray and I said a silent prayer of thanks.
Seven ports, four countries, in a week. I don’t know whether I was impressed that we were still standing or just exhausted. Probably a little of both.
There are a few indisputable truths that I know to be true.
Apparently, we left the sun in Cabo but that wasn’t going to stop us from making the most of our last day onboard the Carnival Panorama.
It was our first sea day onboard the Carnival Panorama, and it was definitely a no bones day.