Tag - Planning
14 posts

Disney Pre-Trip!featured

I can’t believe we leave tomorrow! Well, I probably can’t believe it because I haven’t packed yet. I know, I’m bad. But things have been kind of…crazy…the past few weeks. I’m almost in denial that we’re going, even though I planned almost the entire trip. So here’s the deets. We leave tomorrow (well, technically Wednesday Read more


Cutting It Close!featured

I can’t believe our vacation is just about here…we leave tomorrow! No, I haven’t packed yet, but that’s nothing out of the norm. I went to a Cubs game on Saturday and came home with a sinus infection. It seems to be passing quickly and hopefully it stays out of my chest and I’m not Read more


One Monthfeatured

We’re exactly one month away from our sailaway…and less than a month until we leave for NYC! Our documents came in the mail…but one of our names was wrong. We called and they changed it, but we need new documents now. Hopefully, they come through quickly. We started tanning yesterday. It was really nice outside Read more


Carnival Miracle 1/24/2009 Part 1featured

It’s kind of funny how this cruise came to be. A few weeks before Stephanie graduated college, mom and I were driving down to pick up some of her stuff so she’d have less to move when she moved out. It started snowing on the way home and while mom and I were talking about Read more
