Carnival Pride Europe Cruise Review: Days 1 + 2 – Chicago to Barcelonafeatured
Even after all these trips, I can’t get enough of that “I get to go to Europe tomorrow” feeling. It’s the best.
Even after all these trips, I can’t get enough of that “I get to go to Europe tomorrow” feeling. It’s the best.
When we first started cruising, debarkation was this big spectacle. Mom would wake everyone up at 5:30 in the morning because we had to get up! We had to get ready! We had to get going! The room steward needed to get in the room! Everything was urgent and frenetic (…well, to her it was!). Read more
So here we are. Another adventure. I’ll save you from the this-one-just-snuck-up-on-us stuff. This one didn’t sneak up on me. It came up fast, don’t get me wrong, but I knew it was coming every step of the way. It excited me and terrified me all at the same time. Six new countries. That’s terrifying, Read more
I have this…sense…when we pull back into domestic waters on debarkation morning and my cellular service is restored. Something that wakes me up and tells me I’m reconnected to the world. But connection is a bittersweet pill to swallow. After 8 days with Mom and Stephanie, I was ready to reconnect to my world. With Read more
Three flights in five days. It started with three flights in five days that crossed the country on a diagonal and stopped in the middle at home in Chicago for a whopping 26 hours. Clearly, I have no regard for my own sanity. My boss asked me if I wanted to go to Seattle for Read more