Norwegian Encore Alaska Cruise Review: Day 9 – Sea Dayfeatured
Sunshine. Sweet, bright sunshine.
Sunshine. Sweet, bright sunshine.
After days of constant rain, I didn’t expect anything more than…more rain.
It was dark and wet when we woke up, already docked in Juneau. Fat raindrops were sheeting down over the city and the weather forecast didn’t offer any respite.
I’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot of WOW moments in my travels. A lot of them came from cruise ships. Sailing through Glacier Bay National Park was one of those moments.
It was raining, cold and gray as we sailed towards Hoonah, but it felt like that added some moody ambiance that felt very Alaska. The forecast didn’t look great for this cruise and since I don’t control the weather (as Stephanie frequently reminds me), we just kind of had to embrace that lush landscapes and sunny blue skies just weren’t in our future.