Tag - Atlanta
8 posts

To Hell and Back: Escape from Snowmageddon (Or, The World’s Longest Valor Review, part 2)featured

Our drive was only going to be a few hours. Four, tops, and that was if we took a nice, long stop at the Pelham Stucky’s. But I can’t remember the last time we had a full day in Atlanta. Have we ever had a full day in Atlanta? When we were fully rested? The Read more


The World’s Longest Freedom Review: Part 2featured

Wow! Thanks, you guys, for all of the kind words on Cruise Critic. I really, really appreciate them and I hope this review is as enjoyable as the others were! 🙂 After a long day of driving and touring the day before, it was nice to be able to sleep in, even if sleeping in Read more


Carnival Miracle 1/24/2009 Part 1featured

It’s kind of funny how this cruise came to be. A few weeks before Stephanie graduated college, mom and I were driving down to pick up some of her stuff so she’d have less to move when she moved out. It started snowing on the way home and while mom and I were talking about Read more
