Mexico City in a Weekendfeatured
Four days, three earthquakes and two unforgettable long weekends in Mexico City.
Four days, three earthquakes and two unforgettable long weekends in Mexico City.
I have this little hiding spot. This serene little stretch of beach that I hide away to, where I won’t know anyone and no one will know me, and where I can sit for hours and listen to the waves lap up against the shore completely uninterrupted. All concept of time slows down, screeching to Read more
I have this thing about not spending my birthday at home. Like if you gave me a choice between a night out celebrating or hopping on an airplane to go just about anywhere, I’d choose the airplane. New experiences and adventures are the greatest gift I could give myself anyways – at least while I’m Read more
“New Mexico? Why?” When I started planning a weekend getaway to Santa Fe and telling my friends to solicit their suggestions, it was a frequent response. I didn’t have a really good answer. The most honest reason was that I wanted to fill a free weekend with a trip to a place I’d never been Read more
Whenever I’m asked my favorite city to visit in the US, I don’t hesitate to give an all too immediate answer: San Francisco. I’ve never written of my visits, sharing pictures instead. A picture is worth a thousand words, and when I’m in San Francisco, all of the words float around my head, a line Read more