An Amazing Adventure is on Our Horizonfeatured
((And it’s been killing me to keep it to myself for this long and not share it with all of you, but I wanted to make sure everything was finalized before I shared — I’m superstitious like that sometimes))
Do you remember last summer, when Carnival announced that the name of their new ship was the Horizon and asked everyone to post their favorite picture of a horizon for a chance to win a cruise?
I can never turn down a good contest. I have hundreds of horizon shots.
And so posted my favorite one. And I kind of won that contest. Well, not kind of. I did win that contest!
The prize was a cruise on the Horizon (if I wanted to wait that long — or any other Carnival cruise if I wanted to sail sooner) and airfare for four. Like WHAT?! This never happens, you guys. Ever. Like this is the kind of thing that happens to other people. It’s never the thing that happens to me.
This all happened about a year ago at this time. It took us awhile to clear eligibility wavers and get our cruise and airfare finalized, but since everything is now booked, I’m excited to tell all of you that we will be on the inaugural Horizon cruise in April, sailing to some of our favorite ports in Italy and the Mediterranean, as well as some exciting new ports that have been on our cruise bucket lists.

We’re coming (back) for you, Florence!
And, of course, I’ll be bring all of you along with us! I’ll be blogging, Instagram-ing and Facebook-ing from Barcelona to Corfu and every port in between.
I can’t wait. I’m already counting down the days.
((And until then, I promise to keep you all busy with a ton of posts and pics from our Baltics cruise, that Cuba cruise I’m taking next month and the holiday cruise we’re planning on for December!))