Déjà Dream: Just Another (Pictorial) Dream Review — Part Sevenfeatured

We woke up around 8:00 am and we were already docked in Roatan. It looked a bit gray out, but there was no rain so we grabbed a quick breakfast up on Lido and made a quick exit off the ship to get to the beach before it got too crowded.
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We headed towards the same part of the beach we went to the last time we were here and…it wasn’t quite the same. The chairs were, for the most part, filthy with bird droppings and it took awhile to find three clean chairs together.
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Stephanie tried to get a beach mat, but the people at the rental hut told her they were all reserved for people in cabanas. That’s not how it was last time, but they told us to check back in three hours. Mom saw another family walk away with some mats and tried to get one and they told her no. Mom tried again a little while later and they let her rent one, but made her put down her ship card as a deposit. With that, Stephanie promised me she couldn’t see any fish in the water and carted me off into the water onto the mat and we just ~floated around for awhile.
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Some ominous looking storm clouds rolled in, so we got out of the water and went to one of the beach bars, The Hurricane Hole, when it started to drizzle. The Hurricane Hole is owned by Fat Tuesdays and the food and bar menus are pretty standard with regards to food offerings, but I highly recommend the Chi Chi.
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We went shopping a bit back on our way to the ship and got stuck in a downpour for a bit. We waited it out inside the shops until it halted to a drizzle before heading back to the ship.
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We dropped our stuff off back in our room and went up to Lido to grab lunch at the pasta bar.
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And then the skies opened wide up. This was almost Nassau-esque.
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With all the rain and the port day, there wasn’t much to do, so we showered, napped and woke up in time to go for tapas on the Lanai.
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It was finally getting nice outside as we headed to dinner, so we detoured outside to take in our last sights of Honduras.
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And then we headed to dinner.
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Chilled Peach Cream Soup
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Yukon Gold Potato Cream Soup     
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Fresh Fruit Cocktail
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Guacamole and Tomato Salsa
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Southern Fried Chicken
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Grilled Flat Iron Steak from USDA Choice Beef
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Bitter and Blanc
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A new friend from our room steward
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We headed up to Lido to watch the sunset, but there were a lot of drunk teenagers and a few really loud and inebriated adults, so we went back to our balcony to watch the water.
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There was no show tonight, but there was a deck party, so after a quick nap, we headed up to Lido for the deck party. The entertainment staff was only really interacting with each other and we weren’t hungry, so we grabbed some iced teas and headed back to the room.
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By this point, we were running on fumes. Mom was already asleep in the room. The laser show hadn’t started yet. Stephanie was in caffeine withdrawal and I had too many bug bites and a not-so-pleasant sunburn. Oh, and we had to be off the ship with the sunrise for our excursion the next morning. So we went back to the room, I slathered on some aloe and popped a Benadryl and drifted off into an anti-histamine induced abyss.


Today’s Lido Lunch Menus
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Today’s Lido Dinner Menus
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Mexican Buffet Menus
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