Murphy’s Law Takes Vacation — The World’s Longest Dream Review (Part Fifteen)featured
Debarkation breakfast. Just enough sustinence to get us in the car and on our way to Atlanta
And after we ate? Jaime, the assistant CD, helped us get off the boat quickly and quietly with grandma before the crowds started. Jaime was good peeps. I hear she’s a CD now. A well-deserved promotion 🙂
Obligatory stop at the peach farm!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: after getting off a ship where you’ve spent a week eating prime rib and filet mignon, nothing tastes better than two slices of Kraft cheese in between two slices of Wonder Bread with a pickle spear and some plain chips
We stopped for the night at the Courtyard Atlanta Buckhead ($50 + taxes/fees on Priceline)
Back on the road! Sweet home Chicago awaits!
Obligatory stop at the Pelham Stuckey’s
…and then back on the road (we were road trip’ed out after this one and we’ve flown on each trip since. I’m ready to road trip it again. Stephanie? Not so much)
And that concludes our first trip on the Dream and our (hopefully) last with Murphs and his less than fun laws of bad luck!