Disney Pre-Trip!featured
So here’s the deets.
We leave tomorrow (well, technically Wednesday since we’ll be leaving in the wee hours of the morning). I figure we’ll hit Atlanta sometime tomorrow afternoon and we’ll do some shopping and grab an early dinner and crash. We’ll try to leave Atlanta sometime early on Thursday and we’ll hit Orlando late that afternoon. We’ll be in Orlando for nine days, seven on Disney property.
One of my dearest friends is in Orlando now, on vacation with her family (we totally didn’t plan it this way), but the last few days of her trip overlap with the first few days of mine, so we’re really excited to meet up.
Sorry this is kind of rushed…Stephanie’s been getting on me to stop blogging and watching the Cubs game and start packing. But I promise, I’ll be home with lots of details, lots of tips and a LOT of pictures.
But to start that off, I HAVE to share what Stephanie made me for my birthday. I turned the big 2-4 two weeks ago and for my birthday, Stephanie bought me a bunch of Disney pins (which was nice since we like to pin trade), but better than that, she made me this super awesome pin board (which she totally freehanded). She’s always been the artistic one.
I told some of the people on CC that Stephanie and I had been busy tie-dying. We wear a lot of tie-dye on a regular basis, but we amp that up when we go to Disney. I think I wore tie-dye every day we were in Disney last year. I probably won’t this year, but Stephanie and I have spent a lot of the past two weeks tie-dying (somewhere around 60 shirts for us and Mom and grandma). We’re already swirl and crinkle masters, but we learned how to do peace signs, hearts and even Mickey heads! I was super excited. They’re hit and miss. This isn’t my best one, but I like the colors…they’re kind of fun 🙂
So that’s the quick pre-trip stuff. Cross all crossables for a nice and sunny trip!